March, 2020 Regarding the Covid-19 Virus

To our beloved community. We are so sad to have to close during this pandemic. Rather than stay open for take out and/or delivery, we felt it would be safer for our beloved staff and for you, to stay home. We have never been good at social distancing, as those of you who know us realize:-)

We hope that you and all the people you love are well and safe. And, please eat well, get some exercise, drink plenty of water, get 7-9 hours of sleep each night, and be kind to yourself and to everyone else.

I can’t promise when, but we’ll be back here cooking and baking, laughing, and loving you. Just like always.

But, I can promise that I will always do the right thing. And, I will always do my best!

We’ll get through this! Together!


Claire, Juana, Gerardo, Cele, Erin, Margie, Rose, Alana, Adriana, Eufemia, Felix, Izzy, Tonny, Patti, Tia, Johan, Diego, Allison, Jonelle, Shanetta, Sheena, Maria, Michelle, Ashley, and Emani